Thursday, September 2, 2010

Eat, Read, Sleep, Repeat

September 2, 2010

The days have mostly consisted of classes, yoga, reading, eating, napping, reading, laying out while reading, and oh did I mention reading?  I guess I’ve never realized that not everybody does their reading for class so I feel like either a total nerd or I may be one of the select few who do well this semester.  Staying up until 2ish doing homework is partially, well mostly, my fault since I do decide to work outside and around people.  And where there are people there is talking. A lot of it.  And I cant really say that I’m not partaking in the chatting, I most definitely am, so I guess these late nights could be prevented.  But the tiredness is definitely not only my fault.  Tonight will be the fourth night in a row that we are losing an hour… kind of insane.  I’m getting used to it though and have figured out how to add naps into my day or know what the right amount of coffee is to keep me functioning. 

On another note, my classes are all so interesting.  The Food for Thought class that I am taking actually forces me to eat local foods in the varying countries and write about it… Hard life I know.  I’m learning a lot about global warming, climate change, overpopulation, etc. in most of my other classes, but it’s different than the way I have learned about these topics before.  I mean the reading is similar, read a book, analyze the concept, and discuss, but I actually really enjoy reading these texts.  Two of the books that I am reading right now, Heatstroke by Anthony Barnosky and Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas Friedman, both look at global warming and the need for a revolution but approach it in completely different ways, making them really interesting to read. 

I’m no longer teaching a yoga class on the boat.  Someone else bet me to it.  But I’m actually okay with it because I’ve been so busy that I don’t think I could set a time to do yoga everyday.  Instead I just do it on my own whenever I want to and I don’t have to worry about figuring out a routine to teach, I just go with my instinct.  Its still hard though to do it on my own and I definitely miss the M Street Yoga Association (MSYA) at home! ☺ I’m trying to start meditating as well and I attended my first meditation class tonight.  Some older Asian man teaches the class and walks us through meditation.  Pretty cool if you ask me. 

Oh one last thing or two last things ☺  Yesterday morning we past Azores, the islands off of Spain in the middle of the ocean.  We were passing them at 8 or 9 in the morning so I was trying to wake up to see them.  To my advantage, however, the islands were going to be on the starboard side of the ship, my side.  I was able to lay in bed and look out the window to see them.  I took a bunch of pictures and will post them whenever I get to land (in 2 days).  So crazy to see islands when we haven’t seen land in one week! And finally, last night one of the guys on the ship got the captains to turn off the lights on deck 8 of the ship so we could star gaze! The highest deck were allowed to go on is deck 7 but on the front of the ship there is a smaller deck above and they let us up there to star gaze! It was absolutely amazing.  The sky was perfectly clear and I could see billions of stars, the milky way, and 5 shooting stars, in the middle of the ocean.  It was beautiful!  Anyways, talk to you all in Spain! xoxoxo

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